After months of planning, long nights, long days, tweaking, and honing, it's finally here; the
new home for TTDAT on the web. Please take a moment to look around. The services we offer are, by far, the best in the industry. If the service has to do with DOT or Non-DOT drug and/or alcohol testing, you can bet you'll find it on the new We have added a chat feature to get in contract with us 24/7/365. We have expanded the services we offer, provided you with tools such as our new FAQ page, and announced the launch of our TTDAT Certified Specimen Collector Training Course ™ . This course is so comprehensive, our competition is just going absolutely cra.....wait...we have no competition. I digress.
This is just the beginning of a very exciting year ahead. We have many new, and exciting services coming down the pike. Stop back often, leave us some feedback, leave us a review on Google or Facebook, and sign up for our new monthly newsletter! Go to our Contact us button and ask to subscribe, and check back often for news on TTDAT as a company, and also news and reports from the drug testing industry. We will definitely talk soon!
#ttdat #ttdrugtest #giveusallthepee #dot #nondot #urinecollection #hairfolliclecollection #oralfluidtesting #pethtesting #nailbedtesting #fmcsa #fta #fra #faa #phmsa #uscg #alcoholtesting #ebt #bat #bloodspottesting #painmanagement #recovery #usdtl #questdiagnostics #passystems #crl #labcorp #drugtesting #drugfreeworkplace